Function and Healing Properties of Jabbar Hidayah HB Plus (Liver Tonic)
Weakened and eliminate virus which is the main caused of hepatitis B
Strengthened the immunization of the body and supply as well as assist in the antibody.
Strengthened and protects the liver as well as repair worn out liver cells.
Eliminate chronic illness in hepatitis B patients.
Assist new hepatosit cells in an orderly and comprehensive manner.
Cleanse the blood from chemicals and toxic substances.
Assist and cure all symptoms of hepatitis B.
Treat and cure hepatitis B.
Curative Stages
Past research conducted on hepatitis B patients shows that the healing processes take a period of 100 days. However there are patients who are cured before 100 days and there are others who are cured after 120 days. At random 80% of the patients are cured at about 100 days.
Below are the stages of healing according to the principles and regulations of the Hidayah HB Plus Liver Tonic
First month of the medicine administration
As soon as Hidayah HB Plus Liver Tonic enters the body and flows into the bloodstream, the first thing it does is to repair and build the infected liver (swolen, shrink and sirosis liver) as a result of regenerating cells which are not in order due to the fact that the liver has been attacked by viruses. At this stage the patient will experience drowsiness.
In the Hidayah HB Plus (Liver Tonic) principle, this stage is known as the domain stage in which it is the first stage in curing hepatitis. At this stage the medicine will disturb the virus from the outside, underneath or inside the liver cells. The viruses will be in chaos and enters the blood stream.
If the patient were to conduct a blood test codenamed viral load studies (measures the quantity of virus in the blood) the patient will find that the number of viruses will be increased. The rational is that the BhsAg will increase as the test is conducted on the blood while at the same time the virus start to migrate to the blood vessels. However the virus will be reduced in about a month time.
During this process the patient will experience side effects such as drowsiness, tiredness and exhaustion. This shows that the virus and the Hidayah HB Plus (liver tonic) are reacting. However such conditions exist for only two or three days after consuming the medicine. But not all patients will esperience such symptoms. In fact only some of the patients would experience the side effects while some do not experience anything at all.
Second month of medicine administration
At this stage the patient starts to feel energetic and healthier. There are some patients who feel that they had been fully cured and refused to continue with the medicine or no longer take the medicine on time and do not discipline themselves to administer the medicine daily. In fact this is one reason why patients are not cured fully during the period or the illness is being delayed from being cured.
Third month of medicine administration
The patient's liver are back to normal and from chronic carrier to passive when their HbeAg (+) changes to HbeAg(-). Virus count is less than 200 copies.
At this stage most of the patients are fully cured. The virus had been eliminated and the patients are free from hepatitis B. However those who had been infected with cancer, it would take a longer time depending the severity of cancer. The patient is advised to continue taking the medications until they are back in good health.
So what are you waiting for? Free yourself or your family member from Hepatitis B in just 100 days. Hidayah HB Plus (liver tonic) proven safe to consume, no side effect and has been endorsed by the Ministry Of Health Of Malaysia. Cert. No: MAL07021505-T